Monday 18 June 2012

Day 50 - Chapter 5

Paul continues to encourage the Galatians by reiterating that they must stand fast in the liberty Christ has bestowed upon them and not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage (verse 1). This does not only apply to the Paul and the people of Galatia but to all who received God's grace through Jesus Christ. Us. We must not abuse liberty and use it as opportunity to sin but through love must serve one anotherfor love fulfills the law (verse 13-14). 

We know what the fruits of the Spirit are right? In the bible, Paul wrote FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, he considered love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as singular for all these virtues are virtually the character of one thing which is agape love. It is because of God's love that we are able to love Him in return and with it, our neighbours. 

Sometimes I do test myself if I am producing the fruit. It is not easy to possess these characters but like what the verse says, the Spirit directs us on how to live our Christian lives. We must allow Him to work His wonders so that we do not become frustrated in times when we fall short- His grace will always abound. 

Are we not all excited that the Holy Spirit fills us with such fruit? Each passing day, we can only think of positivity.

Each day is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our love towards the Lord and the world. 

 *taken from my Facebook notes

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