Monday 18 June 2012

Day 51 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 is the last chapter of Galatians.

It is really amazing how God helps me relate my present circumstances to His messages in the bible. Ate Tin and I just had a very edifying conversation on the phone. 

Galatians 6:10 says, 
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

So yes, we were talking about how we miss serving and worshipping at our local churches in the Philippines. Back home, we were physically and spiritually active Christians, we would go places to meet with people and really just fellowship with one another and strengthen each other's faith. Also back home, music ministry is a big thing that the worship team can not proceed singing songs on a Sunday without practising and devoting hours of their time in preparation the days before. But since the Lord has chosen me and her as seeds to be planted on a hard soil, we are therefore compelled to adjust to our environment.

This country is a completely culture-shocking country. People shut you out if you come knocking at their doors to share Christ. People blatantly deny Jesus. Yet we remain unmoved. Thank you Ate for sharing your faith to me. You have no idea how I have missed some one openly talk about how much she loves God and how she continuously stand in awe of His power and greatness. It was such a breath of fresh air. You mentioned something about us helping each other in times of troubles. You were right, we have to be active and not just say, "I understand your situation and so I will pray for you". But to say, "I understand your situation so I will pray for you and then let's solve the problem together and let's do it now". This is what Galatians 6:10 is all about right? 

I think this is very evident in the churches that we serve here now don't you think? The whole congregation involves themselves in one's problem because they want to be a part of it and they want to help. We may not have all the fancy hillsongy worship team but I believe we have something to offer that they do not have ;)

Thank you for edifying me today Ate. Now, I can sleep peacefully without worrying about my clinical case presentation tomorrow :)

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